Launch Your Career

Snap Inc. Intern Program, Snap Up, Snap Academies


無論是我們明亮、開放的辦公室、多元化且充滿活力的文化,還是我們不斷追求新創意的熱情,我們努力讓 Snap 的每一天都使人感覺有趣、新鮮且與眾不同。

Snap Inc. 是一個多元化的團隊,由來自各行各業,以及世界各地的工程師、設計師和其他獨特不凡且才華洋溢的人才組成。我們一同打造一個園地,以鼓勵你成長、使你得到不同領域中最睿智人才的指導,並且永遠有機會學習新事物!

在 Snap 實習

我們的實習計畫邀請學生與其所屬領域中的一些佼佼者一起工作,以利用尖端技術來應對新出現的挑戰。我們鼓勵實習生在 Snap 發揮真正的影響力,這樣就能參與一項有意義的專案、受到激勵以擴充你的技能,並一睹你的工作成果如實呈現!

Snap Academies

Further develop your skills in Design, Engineering, Branding/Communications/Marketing, or Augmented Reality with the support of Snap team members! If you’re a community college student and are passionate about learning, then we’re talking to you!

Snap Up

Launched in 2019, the Snap Up Program is our new grad rotational software engineering program that is designed to bridge the opportunity gap for upcoming college grads with limited to no relevant intern work experience.

New hires joining Snap Up start as full-time Software Engineer Apprentices and participate in three rotations during the program, spending three-four months on different teams across the Core Engineering, Camera Platform and Generative ML Platform organizations. 

By providing the opportunity for apprentices to work on impactful projects and gain hands-on industry experience, this program will help bring them up to speed with the leveling expectations of the next level of Software Engineer.

How We Interview

The Snap Up interview process is a two step process:

  • First Round: One hour video interview hosted on Google Hangouts conducted through CodePair HackerRank. You will be mainly assessed for a baseline of functional skills and the following competencies:

  • Coachability & appetite to learn

  • Core algorithms and coding proficiency

  • Data structure manipulation and usage

  • Debugging & testing

Final Round: The onsite interview is a single project that you’ll be given four hours to complete. Snap engineers will rotate through the interview to provide tips and answer any questions you have!