Manfaat Snap Inc. APAC
Manfaat Snap Inc. APAC

Pekerjaan & Kehidupan, Seimbang

Di Snap, kami melakukan yang terbaik untuk memastikan Anda dan orang yang terkasih

memiliki semua yang Anda perlukan untuk bahagia dan sehat, dengan ketentuan Anda sendiri.

Setiap kantor memiliki serangkaian manfaat sendiri yang dibangun di seputar

kebutuhannya, tetapi inilah perincian dari beberapa penawaran yang mungkin Anda temukan di kantor yang berbasis di APAC.

Manfaat di Australia

  • 26 minggu untuk orang tua yang melahirkan dan 16 minggu untuk orang tua yang tidak melahirkan dibayar penuh

  • 20 hari cuti pribadi dan 10 hari cuti sakit

  • Carrot Fertility: manfaat yang membantu karyawan dalam perjalanan mereka menjadi orang tua

  • Hingga AUD 60,000 untuk biaya terkait kesuburan

  • Hingga AUD 120,000 untuk biaya terkait surogasi

  • 1 Bulan “Selamat Datang Kembali!” program yang memungkinkan anggota tim yang kembali dari cuti untuk kembali ke pekerjaan mereka dengan kemampuan untuk bekerja dari rumah, dengan jadwal paruh waktu, atau dengan jam kerja fleksibel yang dibayar penuh.

  • Perawatan medis/gigi/mata bersubsidi lengkap untuk Anda + tanggungan

  • Program dukungan orang tua baru melalui: Maven, Every Mother, dan Rethink

  • Dukungan kesehatan mental untuk Anda + tanggungan melalui Lyra dan Headspace

  • SnapParents ERG mendukung orang tua dan pengasuh melalui tantangan unik pengasuh

  • Dukungan cuti tambahan seperti asuransi medis dan jiwa


Manfaat di Tiongkok

Termasuk Beijing & Shenzhen

  • 26 weeks for birthing parents and 16 weeks for non-birthing parents fully paid

  • 15 days personal time off and 12 days sick leave

  • Carrot Fertility: a benefit that helps employees on their path to parenthood

  • Up to RMB 205k towards fertility related expenses

  • Up to RMB 410k towards surrogacy related expenses

  • 1 Month “Welcome Back!” program, allowing team members returning from leave to ease back into their job with the ability to work from home, on a part-time schedule, or with flexible hours fully paid.

  • Fully subsidized medical/dental for you + dependents

  • New parent support programs through: Maven, Every Mother, and Rethink

  • Mental health support for you + dependent through Lyra and Headspace

  • SnapParents ERG supporting parents and caregivers through the unique challenges caregivers

  • Snap will match 100% of your pension contribution up to 5% of salary.

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Manfaat di India

  • 26 weeks for birthing parents and 16 weeks for non-birthing parents fully paid

  • 20 days personal time off and 10 days sick leave

  • Carrot Fertility: a benefit that helps employees on their path to parenthood

  • Up to INR 900k towards fertility related expenses

  • Up to INR 1.8m towards surrogacy related expenses

  • 1 Month “Welcome Back!” program, allowing team members returning from leave to ease back into their job with the ability to work from home, on a part-time schedule, or with flexible hours fully paid.

  • Fully subsidized medical for you + dependents

  • New parent support programs through: Maven, Every Mother, and Rethink

  • Mental health support for you + dependent through Lyra and Headspace

  • SnapParents ERG supporting parents and caregivers through the unique challenges caregivers

  • Every full-time employee receives a housing allowance amount depending on role


Manfaat di Singapura

  • 26 weeks for birthing parents and 16 weeks for non-birthing parents fully paid

  • 20 days personal time off and 14 days sick leave

  • Carrot Fertility: a benefit that helps employees on their path to parenthood

  • Up to SGD 50k towards fertility related expenses

  • Up to SGD 98K towards surrogacy related expenses

  • 1 Month “Welcome Back!” program, allowing team members returning from leave to ease back into their job with the ability to work from home, on a part-time schedule, or with flexible hours fully paid.

  • Fully subsidized medical for you + dependents

  • New parent support programs through: Maven, Every Mother, and Rethink

  • Mental health support for you + dependent through Lyra and Headspace

  • SnapParents ERG supporting parents and caregivers through the unique challenges caregivers